You're in my mind again! I have felt myself feeling guilty for wanting more. I think some of that comes with who I surround myself with (oops) and some lingering corporate trauma. This is a great reminder to dig deeper into those feelings!

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Hehehe, hello it's me again :) But seriously, it's so real. Reflecting and questioning where the feeling is coming from helps a lot. And to be fair, there is a version of "wanting more" that's completely self serving, selfish, and inconsiderate-but most of the people I've worked with/that I know don't have those motivations. You don't strike me as the awful type either :)

I can definitely relate to corporate trauma, that gets in your head too!

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Ambition as an act of generosity—I LOVE that.

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Yesssss. Just thinking about what opportunities we open up for others when we choose to elevate ourselves gets me every time.

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